ToR for ESIA and ESMP sensitive to the right to food
An ESIA enables businesses to identify and predict their operation’s impacts, including on the food security of workers and the surrounding communities. Businesses can further develop responsible operations by conducting an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)—reflecting the right to food—to identify and develop adequate measures and controls for the risks identified by the ESIA. The Terms of Reference (ToR) aims to support those conducting tor updating the ESIA and ESMP to reflect the right to food. In addition, it can support organizations to guide businesses on ESIA and ESMP to better reflect the right to food within their guidance and materials.
Given that many environmental and social risks from these operations affect food security, it is vital that ESIAs and ESMPs adequately reflect the right to food. The expansion and development of agricultural operations that are assessed as negatively impacting local food security and do not demonstrate improvements to the local security system shall not be authorized unless targeted prevention, mitigation and compensation measures are integrated.
This document is the Terms of Reference (ToR) that presents a general outline for preparing and implementing an ESIA and ESMP sensitive to the right to food. It aims to support the recognized expert conducting the ESIA and ESMP in reflecting the right to food within the impact assessment and management plan. The generic ESIA and ESMP structures proposed and utilized by different recognized international organizations have been used as a basis for the document.