FSS Publications

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Business Responsibility in Realizing the Human Right to Food

Addressing food security in the production stage of the agriculture supply chain requires the participation and collaboration of the state, local communities, trade unions, civil society, as well as private businesses. However, there remains confusion regarding the extent of businesses’ responsibility and the actions necessary to fulfil this duty.

ToR for ESIA and ESMP sensitive to the right to food

An ESIA enables businesses to identify and predict their operation’s impacts, including on the food security of workers and the surrounding communities. Businesses can further develop responsible operations by conducting an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)—reflecting the right to food—to identify and develop adequate measures and controls for the risks identified by the ESIA. The Terms of Reference (ToR) aims to support those conducting tor updating the ESIA and ESMP to reflect the right to food. In addition, it can support organizations to guide businesses on ESIA and ESMP to better reflect the right to food within their guidance and materials.

Handout on the ToR for ESIA and ESMP

How to develop Terms of References for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management Plan

Terms of Reference to Develop an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management Plan Sensitive to the Right to Food

An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and the respective Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) allows for identifying the impacts and consequences a future project/intervention might entail, and establish adequate measures to manage the potential environmental and social risks and impacts.

FSS Stakeholder Workshop 05.09.2023 | Berlin

FSS Stakeholder Workshop zum Thema: Menschenrechtliche Risiken in Agrarlieferketten erkennen und adressieren

The FSS: Demonstrating Companies’ Efforts Towards Zero Hunger Supply Chains

This flyer contains the FSS solutions and tools as well as the services that the FSS can offer.

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“One thing that I like about the Food Security Standard is the objectivity with which it measures the availability of food to small-scale farmers.”
— Michael Kitetu (AfriCert, Kenya, 2020)

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The Food Security Standard (FSS) takes into account the Right to adequate Food in agricultural production. Applying the FSS in sustainability certification systems ensures that farmers, workers, and neighbouring communities are food secure.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organisations in Germany, independent of politics and religion. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”.

Meo Carbon Solutions is an independent consulting company with a focus on sustainable development solutions, smallholder empowerment and social compliance, sustainability certification and carbon footprint improvement. Meo is working on a global scale and supporting the application of the FSS.

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