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A FOSSEM Journey: Vegbox Horticulture Works Towards Fulfilling Human Rights Due Diligence in its Ethiopian Agri-Supply Chain  

The Food Security Sensitive Management (FOSSEM) system offers a customizable, step-by-step approach to implement human rights due diligence and realize the right to food, ultimately leading to full FSS certification. This approach is particularly beneficial for farms operating in challenging conditions, as it allows for gradual improvement towards full compliance with certification requirements and food security guarantees. 

Newsletter – July 2024

• Neues interaktives FSS Tool zur Riskoanalyse
• Veröffentlichung FSS Erklärvideos
• RĂĽckblick auf die FSS Konferenz – Rural21

The FSS in Action: GREMCA S.A.’s Journey to Becoming the First Food Security Standard Certified Company Under ISCC

GREMCA Agricultura y EnergĂ­a Sostenible, S.A. (GREMCA) is a Colombian agro-industrial palm oil company located in El Copey, CĂ©sar, Colombia. It achieved a significant sustainability milestone by becoming the first company certified under International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC).

From Farm to Table: Climate Change’s Impact on Food Security

Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, affecting almost every aspect of our daily lives: from the air we breathe and the energy we consume to the food we eat. Given the complex interplay between the Earth’s climate and agricultural production, one critical area where climate change is … Read more

Consuming the Forest: Deforestation and Its Link to Food Insecurity

Every day, consumers make choices that drive demand for competitively priced products. Yet, choices like what you eat, what furniture you purchase and how you fuel your car could come at a high cost: they might contribute to deforestation. Clearing forests contributes to climate change, which directly affects agricultural output and food security and has potentially severe consequences for vulnerable communities.

FSS in Context: Certification Schemes in Sustainable Food Systems – a favorable Track?

The first part of our new series on the Food Security Standard in context is released.

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“A practical tool to help fulfil the human right to food.”
— Dr. Eva Ursula MĂĽller, director-general for Forest, Sustainability and Renewable Resources at the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

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The Food Security Standard (FSS) takes into account the Right to adequate Food in agricultural production. Applying the FSS in sustainability certification systems ensures that farmers, workers, and neighbouring communities are food secure.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organisations in Germany, independent of politics and religion. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”.

Meo Carbon Solutions is an independent consulting company with a focus on sustainable development solutions, smallholder empowerment and social compliance, sustainability certification and carbon footprint improvement. Meo is working on a global scale and supporting the application of the FSS.

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