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Food Security beyond the farm gate: the FSS in a Landscape Approach

The second part of our blog series places food security and the FSS within the framework of the landscape approach and expands this concept to strengthen the social perspective


Landscape Approaches (LA) are systemic approaches for integrating policy and practice for different land uses in a given area to ensure equitable and sustainable land use, while strengthening livelihoods of people and climate change adaptation. Traditionally, LAs primarily deal with environmental challenges. However, the Food Security Standard (FSS) certifications can add value by strengthening the social perspective and providing hands-on tools for stakeholder consultation and monitoring impacts on the area of influence. The mandatory participation of stakeholders within FSS-audits may even converge with the applied LA-methodology and can contribute to the knowledge of circumstances and requirements within the planning area.

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The Food Security Standard (FSS) takes into account the Right to adequate Food in agricultural production. Applying the FSS in sustainability certification systems ensures that farmers, workers, and neighbouring communities are food secure.

Welthungerhilfe is one of the largest private aid organisations in Germany, independent of politics and religion. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”.

Meo Carbon Solutions is an independent consulting company with a focus on sustainable development solutions, smallholder empowerment and social compliance, sustainability certification and carbon footprint improvement. Meo is working on a global scale and supporting the application of the FSS.

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