The Food Security Standard in Context: Certification Schemes in Sustainable Food System- a favorable Track?
Sustainability schemes can play an important role in translating generic sustainability requirements into sector-specific best-practice. If embedded into a popular consumer label, sustainability schemes can add considerable value to global agricultural production chains. The Food Security Standard (FSS) shows how an add-on with a specific purpose can be integrated into such a system and add value to it.
Sustainability schemes can play an important role in translating generic sustainability requirements into sector-specific best-practice and guidance and need to be recognized for what they are: practice-oriented instruments that not only enhance sustainability but in doing so facilitate trade and global value chains. If embedded into a popular consumer label that is publicly supervised, sustainability schemes can add considerable value to global agricultural production chains. The Food Security Standard (FSS) shows how an add-on with a specific purpose can be integrated into such a system and add value to it.