FSS Publikationen

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Fact Sheet 2: Putting the Food Security Standard to Test

This briefing paper illustrates joint efforts of WWF, ZEF and Welthungerhilfe to establish the Food Security Standard (FSS) project.

Fact Sheet 3: Food Security Standard on right track

The first tests showed: The criteria of the Food Security Standard (FSS) are suited to be integrated into existing sustainability standards …

Fact Sheet 4: Food Security Standard performs on plantations in Bolivia

The Food Security Standard (FSS) was tested as a part of the sustainability certification of a group of sugar cane plantations in Bolivia. This Fact Sheet provides information on the process and outcome.

FSS Broschüre

Was ist der Food Security Standard konkret und inwieweit bringt er Unternehmen dazu, nachhaltiger zu arbeiten und Verantwortung zu zeigen?

Fact Sheet 7: National Food Security Assessment Tool

The FSS integrates the Right to Food into sustainability certification schemes by translating it into criteria that can be verified during a sustainability audit.

Fact Sheet 5: Paving the way to FSS compliance

In Zambia, one of the most food insecure countries of the world, the FSS was tested in the context of smallholder cotton farming …

“Was mich am Food Security Standard überzeugt ist die Objektivität, mit der die Verfügbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln für Kleinbauern gemessen wird.“
— Michael Kitetu (AfriCert, Kenya, 2020)
Food Security Standard