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Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet 5: Paving the way to FSS compliance

In Zambia, one of the most food insecure countries of the world, the FSS was tested in the context of smallholder cotton farming ...


The Food Security Standard (FSS) takes up the Human Right to Adequate Food as a new building block for existing sustainability standards. In Zambia, one of the most food insecure countries of the world, the FSS was tested in the context of smallholder cotton farming. In this situation of food insecurity, it was expected, that compliance could not be achieved. Nevertheless, it was important to assess the applicability of the FSS instruments and explore the question of whether and how the FSS instruments could be used in sustainability certifications carried out in such contexts and how to pave the way towards compliance. A Food Security Sensitive Management is proposed as an option to promote and assess the efforts of actors in the supply chain.

Food Security Standard